With the support of AquaPlan, The Farmed Salmonid Health Handbook was developed as an accompanying document to the industry’s Code of Practice. It is hoped that the handbook will not only assist producers in establishing a sound framework to protect animal health and welfare on their farms, but also provide a platform for training. According to the handbook, an essential part of the overall fish health plan is a written Veterinary Health Plan which must be put into place for each farm. This document should be created in consultation with each farm’s designated fish veterinary surgeon and updated at least once a year.
The Farmed Salmonid Health Handbook is available to download below:
Chapter II - Fish Health & Welfare
Chapter IV - General Husbandry
Annex II: Gill Scoring Guide for Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD)
Annex III: Risk Analysis for the Movement of Wild Caught Wrasse in Ireland - Updated 2020
Annex V: Zooplankton Identification Guide